I. Final Bid'ness & Announcements
- Please submit your final project next Monday over D2L by 4pm. Click here for the assignment.
- Any announcements? Things to be on the look-out for next semester?
- Dr. Sarah Robbins wanted you all to know about her class next semester: "Mixed-Race Youth Identity in American Literature" (click here for information)
III. Sharing of Final Projects: Speed Dating... yup!
- Side A goes first: explain your project to your "date" in 3-4 minutes. Side B must offer a clarifying/challenging question or concrete suggestion (offer "cool feedback" not the typical TCU fake-nice veneer, but also not the "destroy mission" of academic heteropatriarchy).
- After 5 minutes, repeat this same process with Side B explaining their project. Side A now offers a clarifying/challenging question or concrete suggestion.
- If we are an odd number, then we will have a reflection seat. Write a note on the "love connections" you are making so far, go get some food, and chat up Carmen.
IV. The Class's Syllabus Checklist: SIX STEPS
- Spend some time individually with the form. Write it out on your laptop if you prefer (download your own copy here or at URL below).
- Find your peoples (two groups of 4; one group of 3) to create a collective checklist.
- Every person should share what they have written.
- Fill out the form as is or change it under Group A, Group B, or Group C (link here and below).
- Make sure your group also titles your checklist.
- Each group will share their checklist.
V. Final Shout-Outs to Your Classmates/ Colleagues
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