I. Opening Go-Around
Checking In:
II. Setting Up for Next Week Next week is a writing workshop! Any four of the reading responses (with a framing overview) from the semester now need to be remediated and embedded onto your website. Imagine yourself making space for the ideas and theories that are most important to you. Bring at least TWO writing assignments with you from the semester that are now revised, polished, and ready to be read by colleagues. For your colleagues, bring hardcopies or be prepared to pass your laptop to folk sitting next to you. Alternatively, you could just put these essays on your website and show the essays live from your site. Part One: If you want a pre-templated website, click here for the example. Please email Carmen within the next week so that she can send the link to you if you want a pre-templated website. You will need to teach yourself how to use weebly or come see Carmen in office hours next week. Part Two: You will be in writing groups next week. Please list 1-3 names of people you would like to work with or just say no preference. |
III. Tonight's Presenters: Sasha, Donald & Hillary
- We will start with historical perspectives: Sasha will talk to us about Zora Neale Hurston; Donald will talk to us about John Gwaltney. Then Hillary will end with Adrienne Dixson. What do these histories mean for the legacies qualitative methods?
- We will allow each presenter to talk for 10-15 minutes. Then we will have a discussion, direct comments to the presenters, and ask our questions, etc
- Presenters will be given time cues at 5 minutes left, 2 minutes left, and 0 minutes left! Please notice and respond accordingly.
IV. Sharing from Your Writing...
Reminder of guidelines: Take something that you love and know; it could be a song. It could be an artist. It could be a style or a genre. What would that thing look like and mean as a research methodology? What difference would it make? For whom? Why? How would it challenge/change dominant culture and the academy? What would you call this new thing?
Reminder of guidelines: Take something that you love and know; it could be a song. It could be an artist. It could be a style or a genre. What would that thing look like and mean as a research methodology? What difference would it make? For whom? Why? How would it challenge/change dominant culture and the academy? What would you call this new thing?
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