I. Opening Go-Around
Checking In:
II. Setting Up for Next Week Your website entries are not due until May 23 (there is no class that day). Email Carmen with your PUBLIC URL by 6:30 pm on May 23. Any work that I do not receive by then gets you an INC. Please bring a device to share your website with a small group next week. We won't have time to look at everyone's work. Your website does not need to be finished but the skeleton should be DONE and ready to show! There should be significant alphabetic text on these sites and NOT just images (in other words, this site could get you hired). If there are any volunteers willing to share their sites next week with the whole class, please email me your URL by Tuesday night. Carmen will bring wine next week . . . and snacks. Bring something too-- but ONLY if you can. |
III. Open Discussion on Your Digital Footprint
Things to read/think about (as co-signed by Carmen):
- Graduate School Advice Series: 7 Habits Of Highly Visible PhD Students (notice how much of this advice involves the digital)
- Digital Resumes/Websites of Graduate Students at the University of Michigan (look to see what your peers are minimally doing)
- Sample Assistant Professor in Communication Studies and Her Inclusion of Methods on her Website (basic wordpress site that gets the job done)
IV. Examples from Most Current Approaches to Digital Design
V. Sharing Your Writing
VI. Closing Words |
This week's writing groups
Chinyere, Donald, Loren Kashema, Kat, Shamari Aderinsola, Kahdeidra, Marcus, Sasha Brittany, Eileen, Jesse Adashima, Eric, Jennifer Absent: Hillary, Juontel |
Site Designed/Maintained by Carmen Kynard